Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gaming Rant

Gaming Rant
Now before I begin this post I will point out I will usually not post rants such as this on this blog. This blog is for reviewing video games mainly on Wii U cause that’s the system I own. What I want to talk about today is the craze of fan boys with the release of the new consoles coming out later this year.
Now I have the Wii U and, I don’t care if you buy the PS4 and/or Xbox one whatever you want is fine this recent attacking one console over another simply cause you have loyalty to the other is lame. Now I will put the Wii U aside for a second cause hey I know it’s not on their levels but, PS4 and Xbox one are splitting hairs so close to say one will be awesome and the other will suck is ignorant they will both do extremely well.
Next point that has been bugging me lately is how everyone is graphics, graphics, graphics and, this where I go back to my console. Wii U has nice graphics, however if you buy a Wii U you already know that you are not getting the top end graphics that the other two can do. When I review a game sure I consider how a game looks but, that’s just one element of a game and it seems that people have gotten so tied up on how a game looks that they aren’t considering playability, story, glitches, and overall fun of the game these days. A game can look like gold and play like fool’s gold.
I want to go over briefly why I choose Wii U as my system of choice and, I do want to point out I am not saying I won’t get one of the other systems at some point. Cost is a major factor for me. Wii U is cheaper then either of those consoles and, to\ me I can still have fun with a game that may not look as awesome on Wii U as it will be on the others. Example Watch Dogs is going to be on all three consoles and, it will be just as fun on Wii U as it will be on PS4 and Xbox one though graphically of course will look better on those two. I don’t care I will buying Watch Dogs for my Wii U when it comes out.
One last thing that bugs me about fan boys. I have noticed quite a few people have wished bad on their favorite consoles’ rivals and, that really bothers me. I never wish bad on anyone. As I said earlier I don’t care what console or consoles you play. One thing that I am wishing for Xbox ones owners is that Microsoft has fixed the issue of red ring of death. I had two 360s die on me due to the red ring. I really hope for gamers sakes that the xbox one doesn’t have this issue. I wish PS4 owners another good running console. I own a ps2 and ps3 and, that ps2 if I hooked it up today it would run which is a good quality in a device you spending hundreds of dollars on. Wii U what I wish for my beloved console is that people give it credit for what it can do and quit ripping it without any real knowledge of he console.
On another note I have two new Wii U games coming from Amazon early next week so I will be reviewing these games soon. 007 James Bond Legends, and Tekken Tag Tournment 2 Wii U edition.
I wish you all a great day and thank you for reading.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Call of Duty black ops 2 wii u review

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 wii u review This game looks smooth and plays with no lag I have experienced. The game can played on the gamepad display which is fun. The story has good voice overs as well. I can't review the zombies cause I never play it. I love multiplayer, the guns each have camos that can be unlocked. This is a must have for wii u owners.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mass Effect 3 wii u review

Mass Effect wii u review Mass Effect 3 special edition has dlc preloaded on disc which is good cause there is glitch in the patch for ps3 and xbox versions that makes dlc unuseable. The game freezes at the main menu you have to delete the dlc off system to get game load and playable. Wii U doesn't have that issue. What you get on this version first in story mode you get a bonus squad mate, bonus guns that are great guns, and a bonus outfit for every member of team as well as a bonus armor set for your character. Also an extended story as well. Multiplayer you get more playable characters, more useable guns and more playable levels. This game looks just as great as it did on other systems. If you play with your wiiu gamepad you can access your character's super abilities with the touch screen. The touch screen also provides a map on the game. Though I recommend the pro controller for this game. It plays well on the pro and the pro's super charge comes in handy I've only charged my controller once so far. The gamepad on other hand gets about five hours a charge big difference.