Sunday, June 15, 2014

Battlefield Hardline Beta impressions

Before I say anything else I want to address a comment that's been going around this game especially on youtube.  There is a lot of people that saying this is battlefield 4 with police, it is not.  Those that say it looks like it, hello it's battlefield did you think the graphics be done differently?

There are a few differences you can spot right away, first the interface is much easier to use then the previous game.  In Battlefield 4 you have to move your spawn spot along the map to find where to spawn.  In hardline there's a list on the right with your teammates as spawns and vechilles available to spawn in.

Another change is a hud that tells you where you are being hit on your body and hits to your limbs such as legs may not kill you but will hinder speed.

There's also an in game money which you can use to unlock anything which is different to Battlefield 4 where you had to grind to unlock weapons and equipment.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Murdered Soul Suspect PS4 review

In Murdered Soul Suspect you are a detective named Ronin O'Connor.  The game is set in Salem.  If that town sounds familar it's cause in early America history Salem had witch hunts and crazy trials.  How crazy?  Get this they threw women with weighs chained to their feet into the water if somehow they find a way to survive they are deemed a witch and burned to death, if they drown they are innocent, so either way you died.

Back to the game, the game begins with Ronin confronting a serial killer called the Bell Tower killer which gets the best of him and you die but unlike most games death isn't game over it just the beginning.  Ronin becomes a ghost unable to join the other side of life until he resolves his death.  He investigates the Bell Tower killer.

Being dead has its perks.  You can enter people's body which allowes you to hear their thoughts, influence their thoughts, easedrop, or even look through their eyes.  You can also enter a cat's body and my friends reading this know how much I love felines.

The cat you can control its movement while humans you can't.  The cat allowes you to get to places you can't.  it can jump areas and climb as well.

There is a ton of collectables throughout the town.  These collectables provide more insight into the game.  There are demons in the game too that want to destroy your soul.  You have to get behind them to take them out.

I am enjoying this game a ton.